The Creation Museum and Ark Encounter

Before we go and experience something new, I like to prepare them for it.  We get lots of books and movies about whatever we are going to go see. Whether it be the history, science or current status, I want them to know somewhat of what to expect.

This does a few things for me.  It gets the kids excited for learning.  They want to know as much as they can about what they are going to get to experience. It also helps them to appreciate more when they get to see it.  It puts what they were imagining in real perspective.

The Creation Museum and Ark Encounter are exhibits by the ministry Answers in Genesis.  They are incredible.  The detail that went into every part of these places are amazing.  I had actually been to both of these several years before we took the kids, so I knew what to expect and how to prepare them for it.

If you are thinking about this trip for yourself, plan to visit the Creation Museum first.  When I did the trip the first time we decided to start with the Ark Encounter but I regretted that decision.  I found that the Creation Museum prepares you for the Ark.

My children were 8 and 10 at the time of our trip.  I found that this was the perfect age for the experience.  They were old enough to take everything in with awe and understand what they were looking at.  Another great kid tip…get the guidebooks!  They are available for different age groups.  They help the kids to slow down and focus a little more their surroundings to look for answers.  My kids loved doing them and having them for souvenirs!


The Creation Museum

Journey Through the Creation Museum: Prepare to Believe

Creation Museum Signs

The attention to detail in this museum is amazing.  From the entry through after you exit you experience history from the dawn of time.  

This site had an amazing playground.  I left my husband to sit and watch the kids play while I took a walk through the beautiful botanical gardens.  It was the most relaxing stroll I had had in so long.  We went through again with the kids and they enjoyed it as well.


Ark Encounter

Inside Noah’s Ark: Why it Worked

Inside Noah's Ark 4Kids

Building of the Ark Encounter

Ark Signs: That Teach a Flood of Answers

This is probably the most amazing exhibit I have ever scene. You just cannot serve it justice with words or pictures.  Its something that you have to see for yourself to understand.  I cannot recommend this enough.  Not only does it bring the Bible to life, but the size and reality of the entire thing makes you think about everything in a whole new way.

Besides the Ark itself, the other things going on at the site are incredible.  The zoo that they have is fabulous.  My kids absolutely loved the Zonkey and the Zorse.  I did too.  


Both the sites had amazing playgrounds.  My kids were in their glory.  It was absolutely incredible at the time of our visit and they have been continuously adding more there.  I definitely hope to make it back there again someday.

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